Active Passive Voice Rules Chart In Hindi

Rules and Chart of Active to Passive Voice

  1. Generally, 8 tenses are changed into passive voice.
  2. Present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, future continuous and future perfect continuous are not changed into passive voice.
  3. The subject is put in place of the object and the object is placed in the place of the subject.
  4. Generally ‘by’ is used before the new object.
  5. Always 3rd form of the verb is used.
  6. Helping verbs are changed according to the following chart.
  7. Chart of helping verbs used in active voice and passive voice.

Here are links of 5 video lectures on ‘Active to Passive’ and ‘Passive to Active voice’ in which you will learn all rules with examples.

All learners are advised to watch the videos for better understanding.


Active: He killed a tiger.

Passive: A tiger was killed by him.

Active and passive of all tenses with rule chart and example.examples and exercise is give in both languages hindi and english. Which will make this topic ea. Active Passive Voice Rules Chart In Hindi 2017 Rules of Active and Passive Voice with examples April 4, 2017 December 17, 2015 by Vishal Gupta Active and Passive Voice is an integral part of any of the exams, whether you are taking Board Exam, Non-Board Exam or any Competitive Exams held by Staff Selection Commission, IBPS, Railways, FCI. Active Voice:: I know him. Passive Voice: He is known to me. Active Voice: Water fills a tub. Passive Voice: A tub is filled with water. The auxiliary verb will be changed in Passive Voice depending upon the tense of sentence in its Active Voice. There are rules for changing the auxiliary for each tense which can also be studied on.

Active: Raman wrote a letter with his new pen.

Passive: A letter was written by Raman with his new pen.

Active: The teacher taught the students English Grammar.

Passive: The students were taught English Grammar by the teacher.

OR English Grammar was taught to students by the teacher.

Rules: Active to Passive Voice in Interrogative sentences

1. If the active voice is in an interrogative sentence, the passive voice should be in interrogative sentence.

Example: Active: Did you not pay your electricity bill?

Passive: Was your electricity bill not paid by you?

Active: Why are you not doing your work?

Passive: Why is your work not being done by you?

Active: Which boy beat you yesterday?

Passive: By which boy were you beaten yesterday?

2. If the sentence begins with ‘who’, ‘by whom’ is taken as the question word at the beginning of the sentence.


Active: Who has broken this table?

Passive: By whom has this table been broken?

Active to Passive in Model Auxiliaries:

While changing active to passivevoice, ‘be’ is used along with them such as:

Can- can be, could-could be,may-may be, should-should be, would-would be, might-might be, must-must be, hasto-has to be, have to- have to be, had to had to be, is to-is to be, are to-are to be, am to am tobe, was to- was to be, were to-were to be…


Active: Can you solve thesequestions?

Passive: Can this question be solved by you?

Active: You must invite yourfriends?

Passive: Your friends must beinvited by you?

Active; I have to cook my fooddaily.

Passive: My food has to be cooked byme daily.

Active to Passive in Imperative Sentences:

In the imperative sentences, request, order, commend, suggestion and advice, etc. are depicted and the subject is always ‘you’

Method-1 While changing active to passive voice in imperative sentences, the following phrases can be used as per the sense.

You are requested to

You are advised to

You are ordered to

You are asked to

You are suggested to

You are commanded to

Active: Open the door.

Passive: You are asked to open thedoor.

Active: Please help me.

Passive: You are requested to helpme.

Method 2: Those imperative sentences which have transitive verb or which come with object in them, can be changed into passive voice by using “Let…be”.

Use of Let…be……by you.

Active: Do it.

Passive: Let it be done by you.

Active: Complete your work.

Passive: Let your work be completed by you.

Some Complicated sentences:

Active: your behaviour vexes me.

Passive: i am vexed at your behaviour. ( use of at in place of by)

Active: This box contains 5 kg of butter.

Passive: 5 Kg of butter is contained in this box. ( use of ‘in’ in place of by)

Active: They say that Ashok was a brave king.

Passive: It is said that Ashok was a brave king.

Active: It is time to close the office.

Passive: It is time for the office to be closed.

अर्थ –Voice का अर्थ होता है अपनी भावनाओं को दिखाना या अपनी फिलिंग को व्यक्त करना. Voice से हमे यह बोध होता है कि वाक्य में किसकी प्रधानता है कर्ता की है या कर्म की है या भाव की है. वाच्य को तीन तरीकों से समझ सकते है, एक वो जिसमे कर्ता पर फोकस किया गया हो और एक वो जिसमे कर्म पर फोकस किया गया हो और एक वो जिसमें भाव पर फोकस किया गया है और जिसमे कर्ता पर फोकस किया गया हो वह Active Voice कहलाता है. और जिसमे कर्म पर फोकस किया गया हो वह Passive Voice और जिसमें भाव पर फोकस किया गया है वह impersonal voice कहलाता है.

Types of Voice

  1. Active Voice ( कर्तृ वाच्य )
  2. Passive Voice ( कर्म वाच्य)
  3. Impersonal Voice ( भाव वाच्य)

Active Voice ( कर्तृ वाच्य ) – क्रिया के उस रूप को कर्तृ वाच्य कहते हैं जिसमें कर्ता वाक्य की प्रधान शब्द हो या कर्ता ही उस वाक्य का क्रिया के रूप में प्रधान हो.

उदाहरण के लिए

राम बेर खाता है, सचिन क्रिकेट खेलता है.

उक्त वाक्यों में कर्ता राम सचिन प्रधान है क्योंकि इन्हीं के द्वारा खाने और खेलने का कार्य हो रहा है.

Passive Voice ( कर्म वाच्य ) – क्रिया के उस रूप को कर्म वाच्य कहते है जिसमे कर्म वाक्य कि शब्द प्रधान हो या कर्म ही उस वाक्य का क्रिया के रूप में प्रधान हो

उदहारण के लिए

कवियों द्वारा कविता लिखी गयी, रोगी को दवा दिया गया,

उक्त वाक्यों मे कविता ‘पड़ने’ का तथा दवा ‘देने’ का काम हो रहा है अतः यहाँ कर्म वाच्य है.

Impersonal Voice ( भाव वाच्य ) – क्रिया के उस रूप को भाव वाच्य कहते है जिसमे भाव वाक्य के शब्द प्रधान हो या भाव ही उस वाक्य के क्रिया के रूप में प्रधान हो.

उदहारण के लिए

रामू से घूमना भी नहीं जाता, गीता को धुप में चला नहीं जाता.

उक्त वाक्यों में भाव मुख्य है. अतः यहाँ भाव वाच्य का उदहारण है.

Active to Passive Voice

Passive Voice के नियम –

  1. इस Voice में Verb (क्रिया) का ‘3rd फॉर्म’ का उपयोग होता है.
  2. P. V. में (कर्ता) के पहले ‘by’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है.
  3. P.V. के वाक्य में ‘Object (कर्म)‘ प्रधान होता है
  4. Passive Voice में कभी भी (1. Present Perfect Continuous Tense and 2. Past Perfect Continuous Tense and 3. Future Perfect Continuous Tense and 4. Future Continuous Tense) ईन चार Tense के वाक्य नहीं बनता है.

Passive Voice की पहचान –

हिंदी कि वाक्यों के अंत में जाना,गया,गयी आता है लेकिन इसका passive voice बनाने में अंग्रेजी में गो नहीं बनेगा.passive voice में verb का तीसरा फॉर्म लगता है.

Active to Passive Voice Rules.

Active को Passive में बदलने के लिए टेंस के नियम का पालन करना परता है. टेंस में जितने भी वाक्य होतें हैं वह सब Active Voice होते हैं. टेंस में जितने भी नियम, पहचान होते हैं वह सब active voice में रहता है और इसी के आधार के पर हम active voice को passive voice में बदलेंगे.

Present Indefinite Tense

पहचान – हिंदी वाक्यों के अंत में जाता है, जाती है,जाते हैं, आदि शब्द आते हैं.

Affirmative Rules and Examples-

Active V. – Subject + Verb 1st form + object

Passive V. – Object + is/am/are + verb 3rd form + by + subject

  • A.V. – Mohan celebrates her birthday. P.V. – Her birthday is celebrated by Mohan.
  • A.V. – He writes a letter. P.V. – A letter is written by him.
  • A.V. – Rahul read Hindi. P.V. – Hindi is read by Rahul.
  • A.V. – You play cricket. P.V. – Is cricket played by you

Negative Rules and Examples –

Active V. – Subject + do/does + not + Verb 1st form + object

Passive V. – Object + is/am/are + not + verb 3rd form + by + subject

  • A.V. – Mohan do not celebrates her birthday. P.V. – Her birthday is not celebrated by Mohan.
  • A.V. – He does not write a letter. P.V. – A letter is not written by him.
  • A.V. – Santosh do not read Hindi. P.V. – Hindi is not read by Santosh.
  • A.V. – You do not play cricket. P.V. – Cricket is not played by you.

Interrogative Rules and Example –

Active V. – do/does + subject + Verb 1st form + object ?

Passive V. – is/am/are + object + verb 3rd form + by + subject ?

  • A.V. – Do Mohan celebrates her birthday ? P.V. – Is birthday celebrated by Mohan?
  • A.V. – Does he write a letter ? P.V. – Is a letter written by him ?
  • A.V. – Do santosh read Hindi.? P.V. – Is Hindi read by Santosh?
  • A.V. – Do yout play cricket? P.V. – Is cricket played by you. ?

Double Interrogative Rules and Examples

Active Voice – wh family + do/does + subject + Verb 1st form + object ?

Passive Voice – wh famil +is/am/are + object + verb 3rd form + by + subject?

  • A.V. – What do Mohan celebrates her birthday ? P.V. – What is birthday celebrated by Mohan?
  • A.V. – Whom does he write a letter ? P.V. – Whom is a letter written by him ?
  • A.V. – what do santosh read Hindi.? P.V. – what is Hindi read by Santosh ?
  • A.V. – Where do you play cricket? P.V. – Where is cricket played by you. ?

Present continuous Tense

पहचान – हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में जा रहा है, जा रही है, जा रहे हो आदि वाक्य आता है .

Affirmative Rule and Example –

Active V. – Subject + is/am/are + verb 1st form + ing + object;

Passive V. – Object + is/am/are + being + verb 3rd form + by + subject.

  • A. V. – Sania is playing tennis. P. V. – Tennis is being played by sania.
  • A.V. – I am eating mango. P. V. – Mango is being eaten by me.
  • A. V. – She is singing a song. P. V. – Song is being sung by her.
  • A. V. – They are playing cricket. P. V. Cricket is being played be them.

Negative Rule and Example –

A. V. – Subject + is/am/are + not + verb 1st form + ing + object;

P.V. – Object + is/am/are + not + being + verb 3rd form + by + subject.

A. V. – Sania is not playing tennis. P. V. – Tennis is not being played by sania.

A.V. – I am not eating mango.P. V. – Mango is not being eaten by me.

A. V. – She is not singing a song. P. V. – Song is not being sung by her.

A. V. – They are not playing cricket. P. V. Cricket is not being played be them.

Interrogative Rule and Example –

Active V. – IS/AM/ARE + subject + verb 1st form + ing + object ?

Passive V. – IS/AM/ARE + object + being + verb 3rd form + by + subject ?

  • A. V. – Is sania playing tennis? P. V. – Is tennis being played by sania?
  • A.V. – am I eating mango? P. V. – Is mango being eaten by me?
  • A. V. – Is she singing a song? P. V. – Is song being sung by her?
  • A. V. – are they playing cricket? P. V. Is cricket being played be them?

Double Interrogative Rule and Examples –

Active Voice – Wh family + is/am/are + subject + verb 1st form + ing + object ?

Passive Voice – Wh family + is/am/are + object + being + verb 3rd form + by + subject ?

A. V. – What is sania playing tennis? P. V. – What is tennis being played by sania?

A.V. – Who am I eating mango? P. V. – Who is mango being eaten by me?

A. V. – What is she singing a song? P. V. – What is song being sung by her?

A. V. – Where are they playing cricket? P. V. Where is cricket being played be them?

Present Perfect Tense

पहचान – हिंदी वाक्यों के अंत में जा चूका है, जा चुकी है, जा चुके है आदि शब्द आते हैं,

Affirmative Rule and Example –

Active Voice – Subject + have/has + verb 3rd form + object.

Passive Voice – Object + have/has + been + verb 3rd form + by + Subject.

  • A. V. – I have bought bike. P. V. – Bike has been bought by me.
  • A. V. – He has read a book. P. V. – Book had been read by him.
  • A. V. – Dhoni has played cricket and football. P. V. – Cricket and football has been played by dhoni.
  • A. V. – They have searched the sky. P. V. – The sky has been searched by them.

Negative Rule –

Active Voice – Subject + have/has + not + verb 3rd form + object.

Passive Voice – Object + have/has + not + been + verb 3rd form + by + Subject.

Examples –
  • A. V. – I have not bought bike. P. V. – Bike has not been bought by me.
  • A. V. – He has not read a book. P. V. – Book has not been read by him.
  • A. V. – Dhoni has not played cricket and football. P. V. – Cricket and football has not been played by dhoni.
  • A. V. – They have not searched the sky. P. V. – The sky has not been searched by them.

Interrogative Rule –

Active Voice – Have/Has + subject + verb 3rd form + object.

Passive Voice – Have/Has + object + been + verb 3rd form + by + Subject.

Examples –
  • A. V. – Have I bought bike? P. V. – Has bike been bought by me?
  • A. V. – Has he read a book? P. V. – Has book been read by him?
  • A. V. – Has dhoni played cricket and football? P. V. – Has Cricket and football been played by dhoni?
  • A. V. – Have they searched the sky? P. V. – Has the sky been searched by them?

Double Interrogative Rule –

Active Voice – Wh family + Have/Has + subject + verb 3rd form + object?

Passive Voice – Wh. Family + Have/Has + object + been + verb 3rd form + by + Subject?

Examples –
  • A. V. – What have I bought bike? P. V. – What has bike been bought by me?
  • A. V. – Who has he read a book? P. V. – Who has book been read by him?
  • A. V. – Where has dhoni played cricket and football? P. V. – Where has Cricket and football been played by dhoni?
  • A. V. – What have they searched the sky? P. V. – What has the sky been searched by them?

Past Indefinite

पहचान – हिन्दी वाक्यों के अंत में गया, गयी, गये आदि शब्द आते हैं.

Affirmative Rule and Examples –

Active Voice – Subject + verb 3 form + object.

Passive Vouce – Object + was/were + verb 3rd form + by + object.

Active Passive Voice Rules Chart In Hindi
  • A. V. – I read book . P. V. – Book was read by me.
  • A. V. – Raju gave me a bag. P. V. – A bag was given me by raju.
  • Meera was sung a sweet song. P. V. – A sweet song was sung by meera.

Negative Rule and Example –

Active Voice – Subject + did + not + verb 3 form + object.

Passive Vouce – Object + was/were + not + verb 3rd form + by + object.

Examples –

  • A. V. – I did not read book . P. V. – Book was not read by me.
  • A. V. – Raju did not gave me a bag. P. V. – A bag was not given me by raju.
  • A. V. – Meera was not sung a sweet song. P. V. – A sweet song was not sung by meera.

Interrogative Rule –

Active Voice – Did + subject + verb 3 form + object?

Passive Vouce – Was/Were + object + verb 3rd form + by + object?

Exapmle –

  • A. V. – Did I read book? P. V. – Was book read by me?
  • A. V. – Did raju gave me a bag? P. V. – Was a bag given me by raju?
  • A. V. – Did meera sung a sweet ?song. P. V. – Was a sweet song sung by meera?

Double Interrogative Rule –

Active Voice – Wh family + did + subject + verb 3 form + object?

Passive Vouce – Wh family + was/were + object + verb 3rd form + by + object?

  • A. V. – What did I read book? P. V. – What was book read by me?
  • A. V. – Where did raju gave me a bag? P. V. – Where was a bag given me by raju?

Past continuous Tense

पहचान – हिंदी वाक्यों के अंत में जा रहा था, जा रही थी, जा रहे थे, आदि शब्द आते हैं,

Affirmative Rule and Example –

Active Voice – Subject + was/were + verb 1st form + ing + object.

Passive Voice – Object + was/were + being + verb 3rd form + by + Subject.

Examples –

  • A. V. She was decorating her Room. P. V. Her room was being decorated by her.
  • A. V.. – Abdul was sleeping a bed. P. V. – A bed was slept by Abdul.
  • A. V. – Krishna was singing bhajan. P. V. –Bhajan was being sung by krishna.
  • A. V. – The washerman was washing our clothes. P. V. – Our clothes were being washed by the washerman.
Negative Rule –

Active Voice – Subject + was/were + not + verb 1st form + ing + object.

Passive Voice – Object + was/were + not + being + verb 3rd form + by + Subject.

Examples –

  • A. V. She was not decorating her Room.P. V. Her room was not being decorated by her.
  • A. V.. – Abdul was not sleeping a bed. P. V. – A bed was not slept by Abdul.
  • A. V. – Krishna was not singing bhajan. P. V. – Bhajan was not being sung by krishna.
  • A. V. – The washerman was not washing our clothes.P. V. – Our clothes were not being washed by the washerman.
Interrogative Rule –

Active Voice – Was/Were + subject + verb 1st form + ing + object?

Passive Voice – Was/Were + object + being + verb 3rd form + by + Subject ?

Examples –

  • A. V. Was she decorating her Room? P. V. Was her room being decorated by her?
  • A. V. – Was Abdul sleeping a bed? P. V. – Was a bed slept by Abdul?
  • A. V. – Was Krishna singing bhajan? P. V. – Was Bhajan being sung by krishna?
  • A. V. – Was the washerman washing our clothes?P. V. – Were our clothes being washed by the washerman?
Double Interrogative Rule and Example –

Active Voice – Wh family + was/were + subject + verb 1st form + ing + object ?

Passive Voice – Wh family + was/were + object + being + verb 3rd form + by + Subject?

Examples –

  • A. V. – were was Abdul sleeping a bed? P. V. – were was a bed slept by Abdul?
  • A. V. – What was Krishna singing bhajan? P. V. – What was Bhajan being sung by krishna?

Past Perfect Tense

पहचान – हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में जा चूका थे, जा चुकी थी, जा चूका था, आदि शब्द आता है .

Affirmative Rule and Example –

A.V. – Subject + had + verb 3rd form + object. .

P.V. – Object + had + been + verb 3rd form + by + subject.

Examples –

  • A. V. – Gopal had help me to solve this problem. P. V. – I had been helped to solve this problem by gopal.
  • A. V. – Monika had told me a biography. P. V. – A biography had been told to me by Monika.
  • A. V. – I had already heard this news. P. V. – This news had been heard by me.
Negative Rule and Example

A.V. – Subject + had +not + verb 3rd form + object. .

P.V. – Object + had + not + been + verb 3rd form + by + subject.


Active Passive Voice Rules Chart In Hindi Translation

  • A. V. – Gopal had not help me to solve this problem. P. V. – I had been not helped to solve this problem by gopal.
  • A. V. – Monika had not told me a biography. P. V. – A biography had not been told to me by Monika.
  • A. V. – I had not already heard this news. P. V. – This news had not been heard by me.
Interrogative Rule and Example

A.V. – Had + Subject + verb 3rd form + object ?

P.V. – Had + object + been + verb 3rd form + by + subject?

Examples –

  • A. V. – Had gopal help me to solve this problem. P. V. – Had I been helped to solve this problem by gopal.
  • A. V. – Had monika told me a biography. P. V. – Had a biography been told to me by Monika.
  • A. V. – Had I already heard this news.P. V. – Had this news been heard by me.
Double Interrogative Rule and Example

A.V. – Wh. Family + had + Subject + verb 3rd form + object ?

P.V. – Wh family + had + object + been + verb 3rd form + by + subject?

Examples –

  • A. V. – Why had gopal help me to solve this problem. P. V. – Why had I been helped to solve this problem by gopal.
  • A. V. – When had monika told me a biography. P. V. – When had a biography been told to me by Monika.
  • A. V. – What had I already heard this news. P. V. – What had this news been heard by me.

Future Indefinite Tense

पहचान – हिंदी वाक्यों के अंत में जायेगा, जायेगी, जायेंगे, आदि वाक्य आता है.

Affirmative Rule and Examples

A.V. – Subject + will/shall + verb 1st form + Object.

P.V. – Object + will/shall + be + verb 3rd form + by + subject.

Examples –

  • A. V. – I shall make a diagram. P. V. – A diagram will be made by me.
  • A. V. – He will clean staff room.P. V. -Staff room will be cleaned by his.
  • A. V. – I shall studying hard for my exam. P. V. – My Exam will be studied for hard by me.
Negative Rule and Examples

A.V. – Subject + will/shall + not + verb 1st form + Object.

P.V. – Object + will/shall + not + be + verb 3rd form + by + subject.

Examples –

  • A. V. – I shall not make a diagram. P. V. – A diagram will not be made by me.
  • A. V. – He will not clean staff room.P. V. -Staff room will not be cleaned by his.
  • A. V. – I shall not studying hard for my exam. P. V. – My Exam will not be studied for hard by me.
Interrogative Rule and Examples

A.V. – Will/Shall + Subject + verb 1st form + Object?

P.V. – Will/Shall + object + be + verb 3rd form + by + subject?

Examples –

  • A. V. – shall I make a diagram? P. V. – Will a diagram be made by me?
  • A. V. – Will he clean staff room? P. V. – Will staff room be cleaned by his?
  • A. V. – Shall I studying hard for my exam.? P. V. – Will my exam be studied for hard by me?
Double Interrogative Rule and Examples

A.V. – Wh family + Will/Shall + Subject + verb 1st form + Object?

P.V. – Wh family + Will/Shall + object + be + verb 3rd form + by + subject?

Examples –

  • A. V. – What shall I make a diagram? P. V. – What will a diagram be made by me?
  • A. V. – When will he clean staff room ? P. V. – When will staff room be cleaned by his?
  • A. V. – Why shall I studying hard for my exam? P. V. – Why will my exam be studied for hard by me?

Future Perfect Tense

पहचान – हिंदी वाक्यों के अंत में जा चुकेगी, जा चुकेगा, जा चुकेंगे, आदि शब्द आताहै .

Affirmative Rule and Example

A.V. – Subject + will/shall + have + verb 3rd form + object.

P.V. – Object + will/shall + have + been + verb 3rd form + by + Subject.

Examples –

  • A.V. – I shall have taught the Bibal. P.V. – The bibal will have been taught by me.
  • A.V. – I shalll have written a letter to teacher. P.V. – A letter will have been written to teacher by me.
  • A.V. – Vihan will have finished his home work. P.V. – His home work will have been finished by Vihan.
Negative Rule and Example

A.V. – Subject + will/shall + not + have + verb 3rd form + object.

P.V. – Object + will/shall + not + have + been + verb 3rd form + by + Subject.

Examples –

  • A.V. – I shall not have taught the Bibal. P.V. – The bibal shall not have been taught by me.
  • A.V. – I shalll not have written a letter to teacher. P.V. – A letter will not have been written to teacher by me.
  • A.V. – Vihan will not have finished his home work. P.V. – His home work will not have been finished by Vihan.
Interrogative Rule and Example

A.V. – Will/Shall + subject + have + verb 3rd form + object.

P.V. – Will/Shall + object + have + been + verb 3rd form + by + Subject.

Active Passive Voice Rules Chart In Hindi Language

Examples –

  • A.V. – shall I have taught the Bibal.? P.V. – will the bibal have been taught by me?
  • A.V. – shall I have written a letter to teacher? P.V. – will a letter have been written to teacher by me?
  • A.V. – will Vihan have finished his home work? P.V. – will his home work have been finished by Vihan?
Double Interrogative Rule and Example

A.V. – Wh family + Will/Shall + subject + have + verb 3rd form + object.

P.V. – Wh family + Will/Shall + object + have + been + verb 3rd form + by + Subject.

Examples –

  • A.V. -What shall I have taught the Bibal.? P.V. – What will the bibal have been taught by me?
  • A.V. – Why shall I have written a letter to teacher? P.V. -Why will a letter have been written to teacher by me?
  • A.V. – When will Vihan have finished his home work? P.V. – When will his home work have been finished by Vihan?


Active Passive Voice Rules Chart In Hindi Pdf

हमें आशा ही नहीं पूर्ण विश्वास है कि आपको voice (वाच्य) अच्छे से समझ आ गया होगा. हमने आपको अच्छी से अच्छे सरल भाषा और नियम, सूत्र और उदाहरण के माध्यम से बताने कि कोशिश किया है. दोस्तों आपको tense के बारे में अच्छी से जानकारी लेना है तो इस पर क्लिक करिये

Active Passive Voice Rules Chart In Hindi

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